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ESC!Webs Site of the Week Week of April 30, 2000 E! Online - The Top Ten Puke Scenes Main Web Site: Parent Site: WARNING: When I first came across this web site I had to read it all. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's like a car wreck -- everyone needs to stop and stare. So let me warn you right now. If you are at all squeamish, if you have to leave the room when the cat spits up a hairball, DO NOT read any further. DO NOT visit this site. Okay, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, let's begin: Think of the most disgusting thing you can. STOP. More than likely what you thought of was not dismembered bodies or boiling sores -- well, NOW you're thinking of them... I'm sorry. Anyway, more than likely the first thing you thought of was someone throwing up. We've all done it and we've all seen it. And NONE of us like to do it or see it. After the fact we almost always laugh at our misfortune and move on. We don't typically dwell on it. Movies often use vomit for humor and this is what E! Online is aiming for when they wrote this web site. To say that E! Online has reached new heights in journalistic integrity would be stretching it to the snapping point. To say that this is a top ten list which has any merit whatsoever would be a lie. However, The Top Ten Puke Scenes is an enjoyable read nonetheless. They start relatively slowly with tamer movies such as Parenthood. Who can forget the scene when Steve Martin's little girl throws up all over his shoes. Or how about the pie Eating contest scene in Stand By Me? Classic. What makes this site even more interesting and disgusting is that we are not only privy to a review by the E! Online editors, but we can also WATCH the scenes as well. Anyone who has Real Player or QuickTime on their computer can download and watch each of the scenes in their entirety. This is a great feature, especially for the movies with the lesser known scenes. However, on the really classic movies, up at the top of the list, it becomes NECESSARY to watch the scene again and again! I'm not going to go through the list and name every movie, that's why you're going to go to the site, but I do have to say that I was disappointed with the number one selection. I understand their reasoning, but I truly feel that their top two should be switched. Having seen both movies, I'm MUCH more impressed by the number two movie's puke scene. When it comes right down to it, there's really not a lot to say about a site devoted to the top ten puke scenes of all times, so I'm going to end the review here, but if in viewing the list you feel the urge to watch any of these flicks, note that I've set up a special page in the bookstore where you can go buy any of these titles on DVD or VHS. Don't go there until after you read the site though, I wouldn't want to ruin the ending for you!
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