Current Issue



Website of the Week

ESC!Webs Site of the Week

Week of June 6, 1999

Today's Homeowner

Main Web Site:

I just started to program web sites using Active Server Pages.  Whenever I get stuck -- or simply don't know how to begin -- I crack open a book and look up the code I need and then I can move on.

Why do I mention this?  Well, my wife and I recently moved into our first home.  Until last year, we'd always had landlords who took care of the lawn, plumbing, heating, etc.  Now, it's all my own.  So naturally, where do I turn?  The Internet!

Today's Homeowner is the companion web site to the magazine of the same name.  At this site you can find helpful advice on home owner topics such as kitchens and baths, interiors, yard and garden, electrical, plumbing, heating and the list goes on.

Each section begins with a highlighted article or two on the topic.  For instance, the lead story on yard and garden right now is Perfect Paths.  Following the lead article, you'll find a listing of previous featured articles and answers to reader(?) questions.

A nice feature found within each section is a menu for calculating materials for many jobs as well as a menu which leads you into different forums based on the web site's major categories.  Lastly, you'll find links to help you locate a "pro" and links for product information.  Of course what site wouldn't be complete without some means to purchase many of the home owner items you may need?  You'll find that feature on every page as well.

Some other features I like include a "Tip of the Day" and the "Simple Solutions" page.

Anyone who owns a home should make sure they add this site to their favorites.  I did, and I plan to visit often!

Today's Homeowner

Site Rating: 9/10
Pros: What every wired homeowner needs.  Advertising doesn't overwhelm the site.
Cons: The lists of topics can be quite long.  It would be nice if they were sub-categorized.

Requirements: None

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